Hi, I’m Mary Beth

I read this article the other day in Harvard Business Review about finding a simple way to introduce yourself. I really enjoyed how the article provided easy to implement tips on how to introduce yourself in a way that is meaningful to the others in the room. Using these tips will give the folks in the room a view into your background and how you can contribute to the meeting. Great idea!

As I was reading the article, I began thinking about how I have gradually changed the way I introduce myself. For instance, one of the introductory elements I am consistently challenged with is – my name. Yes, I have a two word first name – Mary Beth.

It’s not one word.

There’s no hyphen.

Beth is not my middle name.

My first name is Mary Beth.

Although I have tried many different approaches to convey the fact that my name is Mary Beth and not “Mary”, my latest idea is to pause after my first name. It would sound something like this: “Hi, I’m Mary Beth (pause) Imbarrato…” Although I believe that the pause has helped, it has not eliminated the instances of an immediate reply of “Nice to meet you, Mary.” I always correct anyone who calls me “Mary”.

Other considerations that you may want to think about:

Introducing someone else - If you are introducing someone and don’t know how to pronounce their name, or know what their title is – please ask them! I have witnessed introductions that are prefaced with “I have no idea how to pronounce your name, so I won’t even try…” Ouch. Your name defines you. It’s who you are. It’s your personal brand. Please take the time to learn how to pronounce someone’s name before introducing them. You might even want to practice saying their name so that you will feel more comfortable when you introduce them.  

New project teams – one of the suggestions I provide during my training course is that the Kick-Off Meeting is the best time to share the roles and responsibilities of the various team members. This way everyone will have a better understanding of who is doing what. However, this means that the Project Lead should have a discussion with the team members prior to the kick-off to review roles and responsibilities. Right?

Lead the way – you can lead the way by introducing yourself first when meeting with a new team. Yes, everyone probably knows who you are if you are leading the team however, what you say, and how you say it, can influence how the rest of the team introduces themselves.

 In closing, I don’t know if this situation with the two word first name will ever change, and admittedly, I always thought that if I introduced myself as “Mary Beth”, then it is implied that I want to be called “Mary Beth”. The bottom line is that I really like my name and will continue to correct people as needed!


Mary Beth


Who Are The Project Stakeholders?


Thank you.